sister--really--thats most disrespectful of our dear Brotherturd.
hi all, does anyone know of or has a link to rutherford's letter to ollin moyle.. i 'm just trying to sow some seeds of doubt as to whether boozerford could have had god's holy spirit.. thanks all x.
sister--really--thats most disrespectful of our dear Brotherturd.
it's been a minute since i was here.
what to do with old books and magazines?
the theme of the jw calendar 2016 is building, building, building.
all the calendar pictures are about building wts property with cheap labor witnesses.. and then, just before the year approaches the building has halted.. it seems a short term decision.
a strange correlation again.. gorby.
back in 2007. and now the hedge funds are reporting losses.
could this be why watchtower is crying how broke they are?.
i joined this site about 4 years ago and life was very different to say the least.
i was a jw and started the process of 'waking up' after experiencing life threatening blood loss due to complications of a pregnancy.
i was married with two kids (husband was an ms) and was a stay-at-home mom.
s: “Stop keeping company with anyone called a brother who is sexually immoral or a greedy person or an idolater or a reviler or a drunkard or an extortioner, not even eating with such a man.”
so--if you disassociate--you are no longer calling yourself a brother--so how can this apply to you ? ( this is what i did )
they're obviously getting rid of the rags, drastically reducing printing of books in general, eliminating special pioneers, etc., etc.. ... what could they possibly need a 1.6 million square feet compound for (not including outside space) in the middle of nowhere?.
just to put things into perspective, 1.6 million square feet is equal to the square footage of roughly twelve (12) costco warehouse clubs.
hello i am john a student of naperville north high school.
in a comparative religion project we have to research a branch of christianity mine being jehovah's witness and do an interview so this is out to all jehovah's witnesses or former jehovah's witnesses.. what do you enjoy about being jehovah's witness and what do you enjoy the least?.
what is communion like for jehovah's witnesses?.
hello JD
I've heard about cultish behaviour but I am also hoping to get someone who looks at jw favorably to reply also.
fortunately most on this site are ex-jw's--plus a fair number trapped in the cult who would dearly love to escape.
however--there is an official watchtower website you may wish to check out, but sadly most on there are just braindead zombies who probably couldnt understand your questions----they never had the benefit of an education.
for the last few days i've seen a nice green unread pm indicator even though there are no new messages (which is dreadfully sad).. not really a problem but thought it might be worth waving my arms and shouting about in a new topic.
and maybe get a few pity messages in my inbox .
ive just sent you a message Nic
(invisibly )
why is there a huge cull going on of all bethels around the world?.
about 80% cull within the next year?.
some have been in bethel for decades and will be sent packing, the 20% of bethelites who stay will have to do their own food, laundry and clean their flat.
someone said the other hundreds of acres was going to be for farming? Anybody know more info?
yes--theyre going to grow miracle wheat--and let the other sheep graze it.
this may have been discussed before.
the costs for using the assembly hall for a one day last saturday was $12,000 with another assembly for the other half of the circuit on sunday, which will ring up another $12,000.
if the assembly was for two days the friends might roll their eyes if it were announced the costs for the two days was $24,000.
the only thing is water at drinking fountains, toilets being flushed, toilet paper and electricity.
what--??? --toilet paper !!! that stops this instant. bring your own bog roll you tight fisted dub gits.
come to think of it--from now on there will be coin slots on the latrine doors. why should the WTS pay for you to flush your turds away.